Webinars, Workshops And Executive Training

Webinars, Workshops And Executive Training

Gender Rise provides a range of webinars, workshops and executive training, targeting and addressing a range of issues related to gender equality in business and organisations, and explore cultural, policy and legal aspects of the topic at hand.

Our services are currently available for delivery both online and in-person and range between one and a half hours to a full day.

Each topic can be modified to different length and emphasis according to the specific needs of the client.

Webinars / Lunch & Learn / Evening Events - 1.5 Hours

Gender Equality and Sustainable Business Development Post Covid-19

This short webinar addresses the impact of the global pandemic on gender inequality at work, by discussing what were the gender related issues before Covid, how they changed since the start of the global pandemic and why it is vital to develop a gender strategy sooner rather than later to insure organisational recovery.

Accelerating Gender Equality in the Startup Echosystem

This talk explores the gender-related challenges VCs, accelerators and startups are faced with, Discuss the tools they can start implementing right now to Learn how to build a solid foundation so that all genders can thrive

Workshops - Half Day

Gender Equality in HR

This workshop is designed to equip participants with a foundational understanding of gender-related HR issues, legal liabilities and policy solutions.

Gender Equality in Recruitment and Retainment Processes

This workshop focuses specifically on key challenges to recruit, retain and promote women and LGBTQ staff by discussing the core reasons and resulting solutions, based on case study analysis and best practices.

Closing the Gender Pay Gap

This workshop tackles one of the most burning issues when it comes to gender inequality at work. Throughout the training we will explore what exactly is the gender pay gap, how it is measured, what is the pay gap in the client’s country and industry, the reasons for it, and actionable steps to close it.

LGBTQ in the workplace

With more Millenials and Generation Z identifing as LGBTQ, this workshop will discuss the value of this group both as employees and as consumers, current LGBTQ gaps in the clients country and industry, their current and future rights and needs and how to address them.

Zero Tolerance on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

This workshop will focus on another key topic related to gender inequality at work. Throughout the training we will discuss what is sexual harassment, it’s relation to other gendr-related issues and company culture, it’s widespread impact, personal and organisational risks and how to establish strong mechanisms and organisational culture to prevent and address this issue.

Gender-Inclusive Communication

This workshop will explore the connection between verbal and visual language and gender power dynamics. By examining case studies and best practices we will discuss the relevance of applying gender-conscious communication in particular roles and in organisations at large, and provide our clients with several easily applied tools to start changing their personal and organisational communication right now.

Work-Life Balance

This workshop will explore the organisational value of creating a work-life balance by discussing key issues related to this topic in our client's country and industry, which gender groups are more affected by each challenge, and why. Drawing on case studies analysis and best practices we will explore different solutions to bring about and maintain this desired balance for all employees.

Executive Training - Half / Full Day

Designed for the Executive level, Board and HR, either one-on one or in a small group, our bespoke training explores gender analysis as a powerful tool. Participants undergo a process, learning how to recognise, interact and utilise the gender element in their specific workplace and their industry at large to create a progressive, inclusive and diverse organisational culture and policies. Some of the topics we explore with our clients’ Executive level are:


Our Executive training is designed to equip the participants with the confidence and skills to lead on gender equality strategising, tackle gender inequality at work before it escalates and set an example for gender equality and sustainable development in their organisation.